TEDx Saclay – Worth all the Applause

by Rose Bloomfield -

TEDx Saclay – Worth all the Applause

For the third year running, Ideas on Stage was very happy to partner with the TEDx Saclay conference, which took place this November 30, 2017 in the brand-new CentraleSupélec amphitheater at the Plateau de Saclay on the powerful theme of “Serving the Living”. TEDx Saclay Keeping standards typically high, this year’s event boasted a rich program of speakers including a few notably prestigious guests such as Cédric Villani – renowned mathematician and member of the French National Assembly – as well as artists, scientists, students, entrepreneurs and even a Guinness World Record gamer (Kayane).

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The Women on Stage Workshop Returns Dec 7

by Marion Chapsal -

The Women on Stage Workshop Returns Dec 7

This December 7th in an elegant boardroom along the Champs-Elysée something powerful will take place: the beloved Women on Stage workshop will return by popular demand led by Marion Chapsal, Chief Learning Officer and Speaking Coach. Spaces are limited to allow space for each voice and leader to present and receive personalized feedback. Marion Chapsal For over 20 years, Marion’s work has helped leaders to strengthen their executive presence, enhance their presentation and communication skills, and promote gender-balanced leadership in everything she does.

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EDF InnovDay UNITEP 2017

by Pierre Morsa —

EDF InnovDay UNITEP 2017

Innovation is at the heart of what keeps large companies competitive. This is why EDF (Electricity of France) UNITEP organized a challenge to promote and reward internal innovative projects. For the fourth year in a row, Ideas on Stage collaborated with EDF to coach said Innovators. We helped each group build a strong and original three-minute presentation on their innovation. True to our methodology, we worked on developing the four elements of an impactful presentation: message, story, visuals and speaking.

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Helping Startups Pitch for Social Good

by Phil Waknell —

Helping Startups Pitch for Social Good

The Sport Social Business Lab, aka SSBL, is an incubator specialized in sport startups for the social good. It is part of the INCO network. Sport startups are no different from other startups: without a good pitch, they don’t stand a chance to attract investors and grow. This is why the SSBL asked Ideas on Stage to animate a three-hour pitch workshop. As an avid sportsman who has been active in the Startup ecosystem since 2010, cofounder Pierre Morsa was uniquely qualified to deliver this workshop.

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Taking Female Leadership by the Reins

by Rose Bloomfield -

Taking Female Leadership by the Reins

This September, something special will take place at Wisteria Acres in British Columbia, and it’s not just time with the horses. From Friday September 29th through Sunday evening on the 1st of October, Marion Chapsal and her co-facilitator Evelyn McKelvie will guide eight willing and ready women on a journey to find – or fine-tune – their public voice and take the stage alongside, you guessed it, horses. They call this workshop and retreat “The Heroine’s Journey”.

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Can Women Pitch As Well As Men?

by Rose Bloomfield -

Can Women Pitch As Well As Men?

It’s a simple fact that most successful startups are run by men. Why? Firstly, there are more men than women who decide - or dare - to start companies. Secondly, men are more successful at raising funds than women, and even those women who do raise funds end up raising less, on average, than their male counterparts. Having spent two years playing in the Silicon Valley arena myself, I’ve seen this truth first hand both in California and now in France.

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Lost in Transition?

by Rose Bloomfield -

Lost in Transition?

This summer Ideas on Stage partnered up with the fine people at Set’Event to help a handful of such thoughtful and committed citizens to give impactful keynote presentations at the 15th annual ACIDD event, which took place August 28-29 in Bordeaux. This year’s theme? “Lost in Transition: the time of possibilities”. This annual event is dedicated to exploring the skills and solutions necessary to live well in our emerging digital age across all sectors, from sustainable energy to food and agriculture.

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Who teaches the Preachers?

by Phil Waknell —

Who teaches the Preachers?

It’s not only business leaders, salespeople and entrepreneurs who need to inspire their audiences. For thousands of years, many of the most talented speakers could be found not in a shop or office but in a place of worship. Ask people which public speaker they most admire, and many will point to Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr.. He spoke powerfully and inspired his audiences, and of the well-known speakers of the last century he was certainly among the best.

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