The 4th edition of the Martech Startup Trophies Ceremony is a competition organized by the “Club des Marketeurs de la Tech” (CMIT) (Tech Marketers’ Club). Since 2016, CMIT puts innovative B2B marketing startups in the spotlight and honors new talents. Each year, the winners are promoted on their website and their media partners. The objective is to give more visibility to the newcomers and highlight their services to their potential marketing clients. This year, three startups were selected: Kiliba, Omnilive and Sensego.

The three co-founders of the selected startups took part in the three-minute pitch contest. To shine on stage, they had all been prepared by the coaches of Ideas on Stage.


Kiliba is the first fully autonomous Email Marketing module using Artificial Intelligence. It was created to help marketers who are short of time, stop annoying users who are too solicited by marketing emails and reduce digital pollution by sending fewer emails.

“The Ideas on Stage team was extraordinary! Very professional and available, she helped us structure our presentation to respect the 3 minutes time limit. Then, through a dedicated workshop, we discovered the tricks that professionals use for perfect delivery: tone of voice, choice of words, placement on stage, we worked on everything to be as perfect as possible and convince the jury! The result? We are very proud to have won the “GOLD” trophy! —Amaury de Larauze, cofounder of Kiliba


Omnilive is a patented automatic multi-camera video livestream solution. The individual journey of users can be tracked and analyzed to define finer audience analytics.

“The biggest challenge of a presentation is to be short and focus on one message, and only one. The work with Vanessa from Ideas on stage allowed me to isolate the value proposition that best matched the CMIT audience. Talking on stage is an issue for an entrepreneur and although I’m quite comfortable, Frédéric at Ideas on Stage gave me tips that allowed me to really believe in myself.” — Cyril Zajak, cofounder of Omnilive


Sensego is a predictive marketing solution. The startup helps companies in the tourism sector to claim back the digital relationship with their customers, using IA and smartphone signals to anticipate the moment when they will begin to prepare their holidays.

“The coaching session with Frédéric-Pascal allowed me to understand the importance of putting oneself in the place of his audience, in order to be able to receive my messages at the same time that I send them. I think that this session will allow me not only to become a better presenter and seller, but also a better person. Moreover, it was very pleasant to work with Frédéric-Pascal.” — Teimour Daly, cofounder of Sensego

Ideas on Stage helps leaders deliver powerful presentations, create inspiring events and empower their organizations with high quality public speaking coaching and training. Get in touch and we will help you create an outstanding event like we did for the MarTech Trophies.